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Of Sakura Kindle and Modern AND! It is so much about the Journey of The Red Pilgrim...

Sakura blessings! Cherry blossom paintings!  Minimalist, going towards space ,  lighter feel art, simplicity, calligraphy for the clutter free and evolved souls! As my journey continues, interestingly the Universe finds ways to keep me active and energized. Yes, the happy emails of art buyers keeps me going and the best feelings are when they send photos of my healing art displayed in their space , their walls, their homes!

 The Sakura Blessings Cherry Blossoms
&! so much more! wish for !Music symbol paintings for abundance and joy!
Modern Music symbol Reiki Vaastu abundance healing painting

 the ebook since so many years finished and has been posted on Kindle. Little by little ...
Ebooks available for sale on Amazon Kindle
Ebooks available for sale on Amazon Kindle

 Nostalgia, memories, as I saw old art photos, and emailed them (old art buyers)  and they are happy! What more can an healing artist ask for!
sold paintings by the Red Pilgrim professional reiki artist India

sold paintings displayed in buyers homes -Red Pilgrim professional reiki artist India

Personal power activation empowerment Reiki vaastu painting displayed in office

 Yes, of course, it is so much about the journey, and not the destination. Trying to find results, more faster results with my healing art long distance reiki sessions.
So while I have seen my life unfold as I have painted ten years back, same to same happening, I want to achieve this faster, the visualizations must be sooner, e don't have a whole life of years to wait!
Getting great results with distance reiki and as the session gets completed I receive the happy WhatsApp messages of success, in whatever they wished for, of course with clear intentions and no illegal wishes! I always say, Reiki acts immediately,  if it does not get done means there is the Universe that stops it and so well, nothing then,  can be done! the lessons needed have to be lived to heal.
Thank you for being an important part of my journey as I continue on this artful journey of The Red Pilgrim...making healing art, sharing love peace and prosperity , Thank you for your support, sharing and encouragement!
All the Best from Rizwana!

Time and again the people surrounding me remind me to be practical, they stop me...  but I still trust the Universe with its magic and yes, it does happen! It is so truly said, those who look for magic will surely find it! Doing my little bit! 

Art is not a business for me, it is a part of me, you will find me painting with ruffled hair, stained in paints clothes and struggling with pangs of hunger , snacking a bit and again continuing painting for most days from dawn to late mid nights! The selective social contact and my family keeps me grounded. It is a different world for me, driving away the energy vampires and my inner chaos and painting happiness, wishing for your best always while no one wishes me! I walk alone!
If you love my art and it touches your soul , do visit my website. I would be happy to see my art spreading joy in your life!
Read tons of life changing information in these blog posts -
Do check out my #Lifechangingvideos You Tube Channel Razarts  the Red Pilgrim Rizwana Mundewadi. more than 200 free Reiki healing arts meditation videos! Try it, it works!