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how to overcome fear of driving with reiki?Amaxophobia Fear of Driving Reiki

Have you experienced excessive sweating and stress before driving a vehicle or starting your day with fear of facing the road? People do not accept this as a phobia or fear and continue as if nothing is wrong. There is hidden pressure and you may find such a person constantly angry while driving, swearing at every instance and even getting angry at other drivers on the road, why do people react like this? it is the under lying stress. There may have been negative experiences or some accident that may trigger this stress and it is very harmful for your mental and physical health and also for the people sitting in your vehicle as you drive.
Amaxophobia fear of Driving Reiki assistance energy symbols meditation
Amoxophobia is fear of driving. Sharing about this fear and how you can overcome with assistance of beautiful Reiki by your side. Hardly noticed this fear has been since ages. I have seen so many people get excited and learn driving ,take license but never buy a car or drive. On some conversations we find that they couldn't take the car uphill and lost control, they had some accident while learning or maybe later while driving so they developed fear of driving. There is also social pressure where all other people in family drive well so children or siblings feel pressure to perform well and hence they repel and stop driving completely. It is also simple that friends have laughed while the teenage adolescent started to take reverse or start the car and it reduced to oblige and everyone laughed that the guy can't handle a car! effects can vary from getting angry, frustrated to excessive rash driving and even purposely speeding more to get out of the inner feelings. 

These fears, phobias are embedded and may not even be visible to anyone outside. The person himself/herself also may not be knowing about this under lying fear that gets stuck up in sub conscious mind. You may forget the bad experiences and yet the stress is felt. People around you feel it. Excessive sweating of palms before driving and while driving, not talking at all while driving, over speeding sometimes and going too slow is also sometimes and expression. The person feels energy drained after driving a car ride and may feel exhausted even with a short distance ride. Reason is because brain takes up lots of energy due to underlying feeling of insecurity and fears.   
Free Reiki video on my YouTube Channel The Red Pilgrim to assist you with this phobia and many more. There are more than 500 videos to assist you with specific reiki energy-
Amaxophobia Reiki YouTube shorts Healing arts meditation video
Amaxophobia Fear of Driving car, vehicle driving stress anxiety panic attacks , allow Reiki to assist you with your challenge for driving vehicle car. Reiki allows you to gain self acceptance confidence clarity for driving. Bringing in peace clarity and wellness, driving vehicle with reiki blessings by you. Emotional stability, Vision healing, confidence, Reiki finds its way wherever needed in your life. The best part of Reiki healing is it brings assistance for health wealth and prosperity continuing to Heal whatever your intentions are. Play the video regularly meditating on the energy symbols daily morning, before you start driving vehicle car. do not play or watch this video while driving. You can also loop the video in the beginning Days to get attuned to the flow of energy. Consecutive 24 days each morning for best results. Later you can play the video anytime you are free to be connected to the reiki. This meditation acts as reminder for your mind and body spirit. *Remember Reiki is not a replacement to medical conditions or medicines.
Reiki energy symbols art assist in unblocking the negative though patterns. remember phobias are fears that have not been taken care off and got embedded over years in your sub conscious mind. You do not have the ability to control or unblock them without assistance from energy and therapy from qualified counsellor. I have seen excellent results in healing phobias of different types. Reiki is so magical, it flows exactly where it is required and at times I am shocked as how truths are revealed which were not even ever thought of while mentioning about the fear.
First step towards coming out of Amaxophobia is self acceptance. Unless you accept there is a problem, there will be no solution. Driving a car is a joyful experience and with Gratitude you must respect the skill and talent to drive a vehicle that takes you from one destination to another so easily. Even in challenging situations car driving can help you to reach some place so quickly, if you can drive yourself and own a vehicle.
Once you accept allow Se He Ki to break open the negativity. This symbol not only purifies energy from self and space but also brings protection from future negativity. I have loved the flow and even use the opposite Se he ki for energy healing art. No other healer uses symbols like I do in the world. Karuna Reiki Harth is such a beautiful symbol. It brings a lot of self acceptance, compassion towards self and others and brings soothing energy to break free from negative thought patterns. We also have scared coeds that are numbers that assist in coming out from different types of phobias.
Healing progresses gradually as you place the healing painting in your bedroom or personal space. You also can carry a laminated reiki healing art card in your car while driving to have continuous flow of reiki by your side. Results may vary and changes can be experienced even within minutes for some and may take months also for some in case of serious negativity blocks. In some cases results also comes up as the person accepting that driving is not for me, and hiring cab, private vehicles for travelling ,just letting go of all the pressures about driving and enjoying life. Remember Reiki is all about going with the flow and life has to be like that. This is not a dress rehearsal or practice, your life is moving ,so is the time, so enjoy it to maximum! Phobias can be overcome with some Therapy and Reiki art and even with physiological problems Reiki brings the right doctors and medical consultants to your life to help you heal.
Bringing energy of self power you can overcome any fear and come out with harmonized balanced life. Trust the process and only those the Universe chooses find me.. as I always say!
Vehicles too need Reiki and you can purify the car before beginning to start your drive. Protection symbols, evil eye cures can bring in shield of energy that may bring peaceful experiences while you drive. At times major mishaps are stalled and even at ties even while your car breaks down you mystically see a car repair shop, or you wonder how with a flat tire you reached home safely even without noticing! There is so much magic with Reiki.
Thank you for your time reading this post. You can comment if you have doubts, need assistance with this amoxophobia fear of driving car or any other phobia.
Professional Reiki healing artist since year 2000, from India.
Buy original reiki paintings only from my website The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk Art!


Personal energy activation meditation room decor ideas for empowering environment!

Personal energy activation is our main aim with working upon our life energies. Meditation rooms need to have the ambience and aura of spirituality for you to achieve faster results. You cant focus when loud noises, leaking walls, dirty picture frames are hanging in that room. Reiki continues to spread its energies spreading in every sector of our life from physical to emotional and karmic, past present and future. Sharing today about the main source, our own energy which we hardly pay attention to. each one has a powerhouse full of energy, we almost never realize this ever. Personal latent hidden power,  Kundalini awakening becomes so easy when you are surrounded by symbols of energy activation and your environment plays a major role in success of healing art meditations practices. 

Aum spiritual Reiki meditation artworks

Chronic fatigue Reiki  

Major challenges come in form of disturbances and hurdles in our environment apart from body energy. For your body health you need regular exercising according to your age and body weight, healthy choice of diets and natural foods, yoga, walking and healing arts meditations are for soul and mind. Most people fail with getting results because they wish, they display affirmations stickers prints but the environment is leaking, musty, full of clutter, broken furniture, extra furniture, objects unused for years, things of past failures etc, such things displayed taking place in your home are major hurdles in your life. Take charge and go on regular clutter freeing sessions. Home and office both need great feng shuii sessions to keep chi fresh and energized. 

Adinkra symbol Reiki art, Nyansapo wisdom symbolism

Small self illuminating lights can be hung in meditation section of your home to keep the energy activated. Will to work, desire to create is activated with this energy. It is best to use fire as in oil lamps diyas but in case you fear safety and risks then this idea will help you immensely. We had the antique Glass Lantern precious lamp, and instead of using the bulb I used the self illuminating diyas.
Take all safety precautions even with these self illuminating diyas as they may emit some gases which we do not know. I HAVE PLACED THEM IN THE LAMP BUT THE LAMP HAS OPENING TO LET OUT ANY GASES OR FUMES THAT MAY BE EMITTIED FROM THESE.
The best way is to keep this active for at least 21 days. Cells need to be changed since these are small tiny cells in these diyas lamps. You will immediately see difference in your personal energy activation and also in your life wealth, fame, opportunities , relationships and will to work. Try it, it works!!!
Sharing some photos.
self illuminating diyas spiritual meditation space decor ideas

This lamp light never dies! activate fire energy 

self illuminating diyas peaceful meditation room energy

 Reiki symbol artwork Heal complete mind body spirit

Adding specific shapes, reiki, symbols , sigils, in Reiki Vaastu Feng shui paintings also immensely activates the power within energy and assists in kundalini awakening. I love the Reiki angel wings symbol, it has helped me immensely and also the Harth symbol for self acceptance and self empowerment. I also mystically came upon the Nyansapo symbol, tribal ancient symbol that has immense benefits. There is this so beautiful sigil for personal power activation that is seen in my latest Reiki paintings and I have found specific symbol art helps in bringing focus and clarity in your mediations. Minimalist spiritual calligraphy artworks are no nonsense symbols and to the point energy art. Simply right focus and clarity in symbols sends clear messages to the Universe for your wishes and you can achieve anything and everything very fast. the Universe has everything in abundance, you just have to tap this correctly!

Enso Reiki art for Spiritual Money and Personal Abundance

Free Reiki healing arts meditation videos on You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim

Rising from ashes, literally when everything seems lost and business losses on verge of closing or completely closed, loss of work opportunities, job removals then there comes the time to activate the inner and outer fire with your soul latent energies, invoking blessings from the Universe. Little changes in your home and office environment also brings immense benefits in seeing faster positive results in your life. While also for challenges in career and businesses , Spiritual symbols bring immense fire and soul will energy to rise with full might and work towards fulfillment of goals , wealth activation and life joys.

If you have lost desire to work or in search of work, then the Universe surely has led you here on this page. Meditate, activate your hidden power and rise! Free Reiki healing arts meditation videos on YouTube Channel The Red Pilgrim. for any specific intentions, or a combination of wishes, make a list and play them back to back make this daily routine and energy reiki blessings! daily rituals during few minutes of mediations will help you immensely.

Spiritual meditation rooms are empowering source of energy for your life, body, spirt, soul, of your home, always keep it clutter free, inviting, decorated and activated with inspiring symbols to nourish your life with joy.

All the Best from Rizwana!
Your's The Red Pilgrim!
Professional Reiki healing artist India.
I have no profile on any art gallery or online art site site and no prints available. Buy my original hand painted Reiki paintings only from my website Razarts The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perkup Art.


Lion's Gate opening Ritual guidelines Timing for wish fulfillment easy success mantra

 There is specific time when wishes are fulfilled. Hasn't it happened for you when you said something, wished for and suddenly it happened? That is what we call the magic moment which happens each day for everyone. Dawn times, late afternoon and past midnight are special times when you get to experience magic of words. 

Specific energy Reiki powered for Opening of The Lion's Gate August 8

Keeping mind clear, intentions pure and never hurting or thinking bad of anyone else for the fulfillment of your goal brings faster results. 

The Lions Gate opening is the most powerful timing day in the full year which has amplified powers to manifest any wishes. August 8, is the day where you can prepare before hand for all list of your goals and wishes. There is an portal, tremendous start energy. Brightest star of the sky Sirius which is also known fondly as our spiritual sun, rises above the eastern horizon opening the Lion's Gate. This is an energy portal through which very strong powerful star energy is activated and sent to earth. Accelerated ascension, major immense energy shifts are possible in this period. This is free for everyone who search for it.

Use this time and energy, opening of the Lion's Gate portal,  for your benefits. It is believed that while this gate is open everything moves faster. Multiplied manifolds energy boost for any wishes so you can shape your reality if you are aware of this auspicious timing. 

How to plan for Lion's Gate opening day for achieving goals?

Plan ahead this brings clarity as to what is important in your life, think and don't just go with dreams and goals the world has set for you and your life.

Purify space, clear clutter and burn incense or sage for making the space of your home or office where you are on this day to be receptive to blessings coming in. Clogged energy stops flow of new incoming energy hence most blocks of failed wishes happen due to this reason, the space itself is full and cannot take on anything new, so no progress in life happens even if you keep praying continuously. 

be specific-if you wish wealth, state a figure, numbers bring clarity. Juts asking wealth money has no symbolism, money can be few coins also. Quote a figure for every day, every week, every month, every year. 

clear intentions(if you are having confusions write down on paper your valid wishes). Avoid scribbling and striking out texts. hence I say, be specific clear. 

avoid confusing negative thoughts and doubts and also self limits and self doubts. Ask anything with assurance that Universe provides from her limitless source. 

Be practical! Be realistic! Do not stop dreaming but also asking for a large villa and higher amounts if your family is small and lifestyle is simple will go against the design of karma. I always say anything excessive is harmful for anyone.  

Stop judging while you manifest dreams. Seriously this is why the Reiki magic stops most times, self limiting beliefs and self sabotaging thoughts.  

Multiplied powers at such times can be achieved if family with same wishes, or friends,  has many reiki healers or Reiki Masters. 

If you are suffering from chronic disease , mental issues, serious health issues, please write down positive wishes and forget about it, the Universe will do the needful. This is also true that it is not always necessary that you intervene, The Universe gives you your karmic full. It is when we ask, she has to oblige sweetly for worldly tasks and wish fulfillments, there is everything in abundance with the Universe, no limitations as to thousand dollar, million dollars, big business ,small business, fifty employees or thousand employees start ups, no limitations for asking. 

Please do not ask anyone for sitting in this ritual for you with your wish list. You have to do this yourself only. Remember the world will be full of healers, spiritual practitioners, sadhus and yogis using this energy so do remember to protect yourself from any negative thoughts and energies because it may be a chaos of thoughts fasting at accelerated speed.  

Powered wishes with my beautiful Reiki, be open to receiving. Accelerated Ascension The Lion's Gate Opening Reiki healing arts mediation asmr video on YouTube 

Channel The Red Pilgrim.  

The day is auspicious August 8, you may have specific magic moments but we need highly specialized careful energy meditation for that. Find peaceful moments from your schedule for this day. Opening of the Lion's gate is absolute magic of the Universe where she opens up her limitless source of abundance for anyone who looks for and searches for. and we all never know what is best for us, wish for anything, trust the process, you will purely receive the BEST!

Allow Reiki to assist you with your life goals and lead a contended life full of joy!

All the Best The Red Pilgrim!

Ecliptic enclosure Beautiful Reiki cho ku rei oil painting spiritual abstract

Professional Reiki Healing artist since year 2000 dedicated towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my spiritual symbol soul perkup art! 


Child's Play Abstracts Why Artists Paint Abstract Paintings does abstract art sell for high prices?

An abstract painting sold for X millions of Dollars! people keep wondering why abstract paintings of famous artists fetch millions of dollars in the art world!

Large canvas lilac abstract display virtual gallery by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Calligraphy abstract artwork displayed in virtual gallery

Making  abstracts is child's play, very often heard this statement , usually from people who do not know about art, beauty and aesthetics, and do not even try to  understand this. Today breaking this myth and writing this post with more than two decades of painting art obsessively abstracts, spiritual, symbolic and raw calligraphy artworks. With art taking its place in every home today people are opening up to the concept of bringing beauty in their home, their hearts and their lives. Original hand made abstract paintings are affordable and bring so much unique energy, abstracts are beautiful, they speak their own language and have a different story to tell every viewer!

While abstract painting has to do more with art styles,  painting techniques and selection of colors people often wonder why artists choose to make abstract art, when they have so many options, like nature floral painting, landscape painting, still life, cubism geometric , fantasy, pop art, portraits etc. which sell faster and also bring good price. Some people say abstracts is a very easy way, just put some paints on canvas and you get an artwork.

 Painting abstracts  is no child's play it is much much more than the blob of  color you see or the strokes made on the layering of paint on the vast whiteness of the canvas. Here a few  randomly selected abstract symbolic paintings done on paper using oil paints. 

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

old abstract rizwana a mundewadi

Total symbolic spiritual abstracts painted in year 2001 till a few years I have immensely enjoyed making this first step towards abstraction. So while I loved the flow of positive energy in these abstract artworks the collection just went on and on till approximately 250 abstract spiritual works on paper!  The freedom to choose color, the freedom to lay color  right from the tubes, the twisting and turning of paper, and emergence of beauty, an abstract art. 

As  I notice the collection today these seem an connection with hidden shapes, hidden symbols,  colorful energy vibrations . Now the works have much more focus and refined works ,  think my art has gone the other way from abstraction towards form. The journey so far has been enriching and have enjoyed every piece of making art.

Large canvas painting beginning

 It is the abandon of all barriers which allows the artist total freedom to paint. Some artists meditate and then imagine the forms and then begin painting abstract. Then there are some who try out different painting styles and techniques, the layering as in color field painting, the use of objects, stamping, use of sponge, use of geometric instruments and in fact just about any way to make a new original piece of art, what we call, abstract art. Scribbling is art, lines are art, object painting, stamping is art, scratching paints is art, there are immense possibilities  in abstract art, leading to a temporary halt,  result,  a beautiful work of abstract art.
sacred symbols abstract collage artwork in progress

my hand print the red pilgrim
textures in abstract painting

painting spiritual abstract art

painting spiritual symbol abstract abundance art

 The difference between a child's art and an evolved artists' abstract art, is the choice, selection, thought  processes, and emotions behind the use of color, technique and making of an abstract art painting. Some artists paint listening to music, some inspired by poems, songs, books paint abstract symbolic art as an expression extension of this  ideas and emotions.

One thing I agree is common between child's art and an evolved artists art, the abandon  , freedom of painting, this is the same, an abstract artist very often regresses to the original true nature of every human being , that is innocence, love and compassion, which is visible in their abstract symbolic spiritual art. While a child paints for personal happiness so does the abstract artist make art, I also say.. I actually make art for myself, because the abandon and joy,  not bothering about whether they sell or not,  the sequence of the color flow, the choice of colors, or the end result, it is the process, the journey that is enjoyable and here the destination is not important.

While a child who does not know that a circle has to be perfect round, a square has to have even four corners,  an abstract artist after studying, practicing so much art and having knowledge , evolved so much in life experiences, has to come to terms with total abandon, erase the information learned,  and paint these beautiful sacred shapes, with pure innocence. Feng shuii has each shape corresponding to an element. the square for earth, the wood for rectangle and wavy for water, triangle for fire. 

Artists choose to make abstract art after evolving, after practicing , after breaking free from the physical forms and then leading towards abstraction. There is a lot of hard work involved before reaching this spiritual enlightened stage. As our eyes view abstract paintings each one tries to find out meanings, interpret that abstract painting, and believe me  it is always different, for different viewers, that's the magic of abstract art.

Calligraphy healing abstract by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Family blessings Happiness abstract art 

Spiritual kundalini painting by The Red Pilgrim

Reiki abstract art 

Spiritual Success Luck Kundalini art

Abstract artists evolve within as they keep painting abstract paintings for their life. The artworks that fetch millions of dollars are from artists who have given their life for art! When an art appreciator  says I would give my life for painting like that ,the artist says ..I actually have!! Shared only very few of the thousands of artworks I did since past two decades. To reach somewhere deeper within and yet continuing making art...

There is immense symbolism in every abstract canvas. Each tells its own unique story to every viewer. One sees a rose while other sees a fairy, some see war and some see peace, there are lines that connect to your soul taking the viewer into another world, a world created by them, each one their own. Yes, your personal background experiences do influence the way you see art. Every viewer will tell some thing new on looking at your abstract painting. I am always awestruck by the responses of art viewers!

Large pink canvas abstract painting The Red Pilgrim

Rose Quartz and Serenity abstract art by Rizwana
It is actually true, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder! hence abstract paintings fetch millions of dollars and will continue doing so! for the artists signature, for their original one of a kind bespoke presence and for the brand!

All the Best from Rizwana/Your's The Red Pilgrim!

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, Love, health, wealth and success to the world with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings! buy my art from my personal website

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Meaning of karuna Reiki symbols 

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What does Love is in the Air Mean? what is Symbolism of Love energy? how to use this type of energy for your benefit

 Love is in the air! you have heard this statemen so many times, what does this actually mean? Is there some words, communication anything that says love is in the air? no! there is actually a beautiful  energy flowing in your space or that room or maybe from those people that brings such emotions and feelings and thoughts in your mind. Sharing some thing powerful for you to understand and use this type of energy for your benefit. Read ahead, you will be amazed! 

Reiki Harth symbol painting for love self acceptance and empowerment

romantic expressions family love blessings paintings done in pair

minimalist zen Reiki symbols artwork for love and happiness

Amethyst brings protection purification and abundance

Rose quartz the most powerful beautiful stone of heart and love

Painting a abstract artwork inspired by Rose quartz and serenity

Open to healthy love! Personal empowerment floral abstract

Love artwork inspired by rose quartz and serenity 

Two Blue birds of Happiness Reiki painting

Have you noticed two people in love, they may not speak much but every one around them can feel the energy vibes. As I continue to clutter free my studio and so many paintings done on paper have to be repainted, retouched, organized and those not saleable have to be torn and burnt. As I see love symbol paintings of early years that had darker colours and nothing specific in them, the vibes are vintage. today the colours are much brighter as using acrylic paints, there is specific energy of pure love, pure healing, pure soul perk. This example I am taking to help you understand how the mantra love is in the air means. When you feel the energy flow just by smell, symbol, sight, visual image ,person or thing, place, food etc and this brings you a surge of love energy, such is the term love is in the air. 

It also happens that we attach certain feelings to certain objects and things that bring nostalgia every time we touch or hold them. These are gifts or objects that bring love energy every time even after many many years. This is energy attachment. Thousands of thoughts move at speed our brain catches only very few. We have to be mindful to catch the good ones, hence the meditation and affirmations practices help here. So fast is the energy moving in your environment that you are not even aware of your hidden super powers and people waste away their lives living a mediocre life with deep regrets. 

Every object will catch energy of the giver, user and gifter. If it is good this will keep benefitting you even after the person has left or even died. This is also relevant for you to understand why you sometimes feel negative energy or some objects bring arguments in your home and fights even after those people have left or even died. Purifying these negative energy things or letting them go gracefully is good for your life. 

How to experience this? Love is in the Air , add Some Beautiful Love symbol feng shuii Paintings, some red roses, and all things in pink bring out a beautiful energy of love. It can be sensed from far away and this is what we all experience when we like some one. We feel the energy love waves in the environment and when we see two people walking hand in hand in love their aura can be sensed from far away as connected. This can also happen with unknown people when in a crowd you feel drawn to some one or in a gathering or maybe just passing by on a road. Lets see how the energy works here.

Each chakra has chords or threads that connect to the other person thing. We make an instant connection with even some one unknown when we send out love chords and if the other person also feels the same it connects. If the opposite person has had bad experiences from past relationships of love like parents, mother, siblings, friends etc,  or is not well at peace then they do not trust anyone and they repel. 

They may immediately take away their chords and turn towards themselves that is you feel the energy of being pushed away, and you move away.

What happens with two people in love? they send out love chords from the heart chakra to the other person and the opposite one reciprocates with the same intensity of love and they connect. This beautiful connection then makes to exchange and accept their two energies as one. That's why we often say two hearts one soul. The energy from two auras merges together and flows as one, hence when one is sad the other feels the same. And happiness is expressed together. We have heard since ages, the better half and terms like soul mates, this explains how the energy connects and how this goes on till their spiritual journey completes.

What happens when the chords are damaged? misunderstanding, quarrels, arguments happen if they couple in love have damaged these love chords. From external sources or from each one not being able to handle the energy of the other. Symbols and healing energy helps to heal relationships and a good healer will first balance the individual energy chords of relevant chakras and then connect them to the other. The individual with damaged chords of heart chakra needs healing to accept themselves and begin sharing and accepting love.

The Reiki symbol Harth a beautiful symbol that brings about balance and develops self love and compassion.

There is another very beautiful higher level reiki symbol I usually use in artworks symbolizing love energy is The Male Female Balance. This is a pure symbol that helps to develop and balance the Yin and Yang in our energy and that of the other. Like there is love so also is passion, but in a healthy way. 

Love has to be in a healthy energy form that supports and nourishes the other ones soul. The passing by love waves are just felt for a moment and then moved on. For long term relationships the person connect and may converse an thus begin a beautiful love relationship that goes on for years or maybe if all works out great, a life time.

Love a beautiful emotion, but some have never experienced. For the singles, Ages go by trying out to work a relationship but with no results sometimes the simple feng shui of your home and bedroom can open new doors to invite marital luck and the true love of your life. Feng shui and healing art with symbols attract the specific type of energy that is lacking in your life. 

For finding great soul mate, twin flame, partner friend try feng shui.

1) Check your bedroom, are there symbols of love or loneliness? a single side table, a single table lamp and a single flower vase all indicate the energy of one. 

2) Have you considered putting two pillows on your bed. Yes in feng shui we assume that if you want this type of energy, a partner in life, then make space for two. Two pillows on your bed is the best beginning to invite love energy.

3) Feng shui element theory can work wonders to your life if done correctly. South west is the sector for relationships, activate this with crystals and pink color objects. North west too needs to be activated as this is the sector for helpful friends energy thus attracting supporting helpful friends in your life. South west has Yin energy and North West is Yang, so specific feng shui cures are required to attract that particular type of energy that is Male(Yang)  or female (Yin). 

4) Balance the bedroom feng shui on top priority basis if you wish to attract marital luck, true love,  and find your soul mate.

5) Hanging healing art in your bedroom with specific intentions already does this and begins the process of harmonizing your life chi. Thus specific people who may turn out great partners or soul mates in the long run. Art when hung in proper directions brings out best results faster. 

Hope this helps!

Terrace Garden fragrant  roses

Make this the most beautiful happiest year of your life full of love and success!! Make your home a space of love and blessings for your family. 

Symbols of Happiness and good luck near entrances and even outside your main door act as protectors from evil eye entering your home and bring love energy blessings. Activate your home with love energy for harmonious relationships of love, understanding, support, compassion and pure love! Remember whenever anyone thinks of you and your home, they must say love is in the air! 

Happy Landscape enter the magical world of Joy! read here.

Thanks for reading and your time! Hope this post have been of value to you. Do share! 

Always be in the mode of gratitude! 

Rizwana Mundewadi , Your's The Red Pilgrim Wishing You All The Best! 

some selfies moods during covid lockdown times! 

The Red Pilgrim Professional Reiki Healing Artist India

a professional symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 selling original art to spread Reiki energy, health wealth and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Buy Reiki paintings for Love and Abundant Life .