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Do Zodiac signs influence your life? where to display zodiac symbol art? Chinese and Indian Zodiac Signs

Roaring Personalities Aquarius Magic 
Zodiac signs, birth signs, birth stones, birth sign colours all have immense effect on our life. I am fascinated with symbols! Being a true Aquarian , modest, with a burning fire within, going with the flow, making directions and own pathways.
Stars , how did the magic come into my life? we all are fascinated with the magical element of stars. The falling star, Oh, how we still close our eyes and wish for just about anything, and well it does come true! Its not hocus pocus! Astronomical information does have base about star life, star death and wish fulfillment. Nakshatra. The long hours spent under the open sky of my terrace garden has had a strong influence on me, falling in love totally with some stars, especially connected to Orion which w as always near me, visible everyday and the belt of Orion was what fascinates me still. Then later on read on google about the mystical Orion. Painted Colourful Window to my Core Star.
Sitari gardish me, stars going through trouble, heard of this? and many times Astrologers advise to be away from new beginnings, new connections at such times as the energy of your star is low and confusing and will bring less success at  such times. Not so much of a follower of anyone, I do not follow such advice and always go with my heart. And if anyone asks, I just say the knowledge is out there, find it, and you will understand! Thank you Google! Thank you Google! Thank you Google!
The Chinese Zodiac is also so beautiful and interesting as the Chinese Calendar is divided into twelve months correspond with an animal. So people born in certain years fall into the category of one of the zodiac signs and are influences or by traits of these animals.
Zodiac marriage cards, I painted have been done with extensive reading on the subject and influence of Zodiac symbols. There are what we call good combinations, not so good and bad combinations. So while choosing partners some advice regarding zodiac is helpful to bring in togetherness energy at beginning of marriage.Of course we all know, marriages have to be worked on upon to be complete and successful. 
 Knowingly or unknowingly you will feel drawn to certain colours and on finding information about why you like a particular colour or you end up buying the same colored clothes and items, your answer will  lead you to mystical Zodiac! Little did I know where the symbols will bring me, into a magical world of fantasy and turning, bending thoughts, changing realities.
Fascinated with stars and the Galaxy , birth signs do have an effect on our lives and some also  when brought in harmony show drastic life changes and great feng shuii luck.
It is the plan of  the Universe. While with feng shuii Ba Gua knowledge of colours and elements bringing in this surprising element of zodiac luck will super boost your life sectors. Symbols themselves do not have any value without intentions.
Motivational and inspirational art, Zodiac symbols do connect only to those who may have some inclination towards stars magic. We are all stars, In Reiki we are in pursuit to activate our core star. The whole process of life and living has its aim to activate and harmonize the core star, once which shines, it brings absolute abundance and harmony in all aspects of life, what we call bliss, in this world. The process no doubt is a tough one and has so many other aspects involved with it. One of the aspects or ingredient is the Zodiac symbol luck which when added surely will pop up the energy graph.
Effects of my Zodiac paintings are seen so fast your life, will bring in those people who are beneficial to you and will gradually distance you from negative energies. A sense of direction, and focus come in life and the energy to bring about success to your dreams and goals. Be open to change, it is beautiful!
And  I always say-be prepared for  the chaos, to meet successs!
For a  Focussed 2019 Add some Soul Perk^Up Art!
Visit my You Tube Channel The red Pilgrim for Free Zodiac Healing arts meditation
Where to hang Zodiac symbols art? Zodiac symbol art and paintings can be hung in any space. Best they represent "YOU" the self goals and realization, choose the wall of your work space or work table space. Northeast is a good sector to hang zodiac art. North west.
Avoid hanging zodiac symbol art in bedrooms unless you both have the pair corresponding to the couple birth stars. As a single art work may make one of the partner dominating and confident and the other may feel let down in situations of life. For family happiness you can boost your space with complete zodiac symbols art. This will bring harmony and happiness, success.
All the Best from Rizwana!
 My Core Star Shining

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Have a Great 2019 Ahead!
While on this spiritual journey of the Red Pilgrim as I continue to make healing art from year 2000..dedicated to making soul art,on a travel spree,with inner chaos, and external calm, more fantastical additions , collections, Soul Perk^Up art! Do subscribe to my Blog for more on Symbolism and Feng shuii Art placement ideas.
 Chinese Zodiac LuckChinese Zodiac Marriage Cards 
 For buying my paintings visit my website The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Art! Thank you Universe!