There is specific time when wishes are fulfilled. Hasn't it happened for you when you said something, wished for and suddenly it happened? That is what we call the magic moment which happens each day for everyone. Dawn times, late afternoon and past midnight are special times when you get to experience magic of words.
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Specific energy Reiki powered for Opening of The Lion's Gate August 8 |
Keeping mind clear, intentions pure and never hurting or thinking bad of anyone else for the fulfillment of your goal brings faster results.
The Lions Gate opening is the most powerful timing day in the full year which has amplified powers to manifest any wishes. August 8, is the day where you can prepare before hand for all list of your goals and wishes. There is an portal, tremendous start energy. Brightest star of the sky Sirius which is also known fondly as our spiritual sun, rises above the eastern horizon opening the Lion's Gate. This is an energy portal through which very strong powerful star energy is activated and sent to earth. Accelerated ascension, major immense energy shifts are possible in this period. This is free for everyone who search for it.
Use this time and energy, opening of the Lion's Gate portal, for your benefits. It is believed that while this gate is open everything moves faster. Multiplied manifolds energy boost for any wishes so you can shape your reality if you are aware of this auspicious timing.
How to plan for Lion's Gate opening day for achieving goals?
Plan ahead this brings clarity as to what is important in your life, think and don't just go with dreams and goals the world has set for you and your life.
Purify space, clear clutter and burn incense or sage for making the space of your home or office where you are on this day to be receptive to blessings coming in. Clogged energy stops flow of new incoming energy hence most blocks of failed wishes happen due to this reason, the space itself is full and cannot take on anything new, so no progress in life happens even if you keep praying continuously.
be specific-if you wish wealth, state a figure, numbers bring clarity. Juts asking wealth money has no symbolism, money can be few coins also. Quote a figure for every day, every week, every month, every year.
clear intentions(if you are having confusions write down on paper your valid wishes). Avoid scribbling and striking out texts. hence I say, be specific clear.
avoid confusing negative thoughts and doubts and also self limits and self doubts. Ask anything with assurance that Universe provides from her limitless source.
Be practical! Be realistic! Do not stop dreaming but also asking for a large villa and higher amounts if your family is small and lifestyle is simple will go against the design of karma. I always say anything excessive is harmful for anyone.
Stop judging while you manifest dreams. Seriously this is why the Reiki magic stops most times, self limiting beliefs and self sabotaging thoughts.
Multiplied powers at such times can be achieved if family with same wishes, or friends, has many reiki healers or Reiki Masters.
If you are suffering from chronic disease , mental issues, serious health issues, please write down positive wishes and forget about it, the Universe will do the needful. This is also true that it is not always necessary that you intervene, The Universe gives you your karmic full. It is when we ask, she has to oblige sweetly for worldly tasks and wish fulfillments, there is everything in abundance with the Universe, no limitations as to thousand dollar, million dollars, big business ,small business, fifty employees or thousand employees start ups, no limitations for asking.
Please do not ask anyone for sitting in this ritual for you with your wish list. You have to do this yourself only. Remember the world will be full of healers, spiritual practitioners, sadhus and yogis using this energy so do remember to protect yourself from any negative thoughts and energies because it may be a chaos of thoughts fasting at accelerated speed.
Powered wishes with my beautiful Reiki, be open to receiving. Accelerated Ascension The Lion's Gate Opening Reiki healing arts mediation asmr video on YouTube
The day is auspicious August 8, you may have specific magic moments but we need highly specialized careful energy meditation for that. Find peaceful moments from your schedule for this day. Opening of the Lion's gate is absolute magic of the Universe where she opens up her limitless source of abundance for anyone who looks for and searches for. and we all never know what is best for us, wish for anything, trust the process, you will purely receive the BEST!
Allow Reiki to assist you with your life goals and lead a contended life full of joy!
All the Best The Red Pilgrim!
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Ecliptic enclosure Beautiful Reiki cho ku rei oil painting spiritual abstract |
Professional Reiki Healing artist since year 2000 dedicated towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my spiritual symbol soul perkup art!