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Welcome 2014 with Floral Water Color Paintings of Year 2002 Different Techniques in Paintings

Magenta Blooms, water color on paper floral  painting  by Rizwana
Welcome this beautiful new year 2014! In this majestic chosen isolation, solitude, the paintings of year 2002, done in water colors and different techniques of painting there are quite a number of floral paintings which have so many colroful symbolic abstarct flowers.
Techniques in painting was what my whole energy focus, never thinking about any outcomes and what to paint next.  Twisting and turning the brush loaded with water colors, stippling technique, playing with textures thick and thin paint, the year had a lot of paintings done in this medium water colors on paper, mostly geomteric abstracts, floral paintings sacred geometry.
There was so much innocent happiness with every painting as the beautiful colors brought forthe emergence of new flower shapes and fantasy colors flowers. The only aspect here was raw innocent paintings without actual photographs or viewing any pictures of these flowers, which now after the onset of internet in my life since a few years have answered so many questions and how well the mind imagines, reflects and visualizes , the terrace garden full of plants ,exotic colorful, fancy, textured, foliage and rare all under the sun,  feels great!
Hardly had I experienced so much of gardening and planted any my contact with nature consisted of only a few flowering plants on the window sill! dreams...visualizations in the artists mind, I am so astonished, in awe with these paintings , of year 2002 bringing back innocent happy memories, enjoying every bit of this spiritual journey of The Red Pilgrim!
Exotic Flowers , a floral painting in water color by Rizwana

Purple Vase of Magenta Blooms, water color on paper painting by Razarts

Exotic Flower, water color on paper stippling technique floral painting by Razarts

Soothing Cheery Lemon Flowers, water color floral painting by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Flower Pot, water color on paper painting with different technique by Razarts
There are many paintings done in this water color medium year 2002, each painting costs $150 shipping free anywhere around the world!

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