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How to Create an accent wall modern decor with original art tips

Your living room can be refurbished with creating an accent wall. The term accent wall has been coming in lately as the most popular in decor and people want one of the walls to be an accent wall and the other are subdued. This gives the room a focal point and lots of style avoiding the furniture and art pieces looking scattered all over the room.
Elegant Black and White Art

Green Art

Om Symbol Art

Feng Shui Ba Gua Luck Art

When you choose color for your walls in pastel or off white , light shades of earthy colors you open a lot of opportunities to decorate and create accent wall. Most common since the past many years is that people are opting for a textured wall, here all three walls are painted light and one of the walls is in a different color, different dark opposite color or a textured made by using special instruments and painting techniques.
Large Canvas Healing Kundalini Painting
If you wish to make an accent wall without going in for a makeover of your total living room you can choose some strong piece of art. Paintings can be use to create an accent wall that immediately adds the style quotient to your living room décor.
Accent wall has its own special energy that attracts the viewer and also gives a special meaning to your living room. The art has to be such that fulfills the criteria of creating an accent wall. While you want to make the wall a special one take care to keep the other walls subdued with neutral colors or toned down artifacts and furniture.  

Large living rooms can have an accent wall for the south or east or north or west depending upon what area you love. You can also benefit by applying feng shui to your room and thus choose the energy you wish to attract and then decide on the accent wall.
Without making any changes to your décor and furniture you can club small artworks or large and small works together to create an accent wall. One important point in making an accent wall, it has to fulfill the need of an accent wall, that is the paintings must be of symbolic value, color and size to make that impact you desire from your accent wall.
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
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