When some one copies your art... the feelings are from sadness, anger to deep resentment because every artwork for the artist is like a baby. Whatever the painting is its a pure form of expression for the artist who has poured out their emotions on canvas and paper.
With the recent episode of a lady artist copying my original painting and posting on an online gallery , the same where I have put up my art, sent a shocking expression and broke my heart!
I thought only famous artists art got copied!
Then I have been so used to wishing every one luck, guiding them , supporting them and sharing my ideas writing on my blogs and website, never did I think some one would copy exactly my painting!
Every and any artist reacts the same way , with deep anger, if their art is copied.
I also share other artists art and support them by writing about them for free. You just have to send an email and I will go through your profile, your art and share on my blog for your benefit, as many artists dont know how/ are hesitant to describe and share their art. Then why Sneha Huddar Joshi,??for fame, money or you did not know its a crime to copy art! And then with healing art? how can people copy healing art, from healers? we have given our lives for this and trust me we still pay the price to be healers!
The Lucky Pot of Prosperity by Rizwana A.Mundewadi |
Reasons can be many as shared by
Maria Brophy art business consultant here, beautiful article.
Problem arises when its been copied for own financial gains and without the knowledge of the original artist. Yes I understand that many artist, new ones get influenced by some artists whose art they love, or whose art they find with a financial gain concept, and often want to paint or copy their art, but as it is a form of respect is it also against the law to copy any ones original artwork. You can take inspiration and go over with ideas and make your own representation with this in your own original art.
The past episode has been got over , with the awesum support of my art lovers and art buyers, friends, face book, google, twitter and linked in as well as my blog lovers, thank you so much for your support, and family , the copied painting was removed, and so continuing on this spiritual journey of The Red Pilgrim making healing art with a beautiful Reiki art collection! art always connects with my soul and makes me forget.
The universe hardly ceases to surprise me, with so much support and help always coming from unexpected sources and my guardian angels , this one too may be an important part , a lesson in my life..I know its difficult but ...Thank you Sneha , God Bless you!
Thank you and God Bless from Rizwana!
the copied painting was this one I have posted here, please do not buy my art from any other sources except directly from me and the online art galleries absolute arts.com and saatchiart.com. Thank you so much!